Use your doctor or save up to 50% in-network
400,000 dental & 36,000 vision providers in-network
Yearly maximums up to $2,500.00
No waiting periods on covered services
Your Teeth & Eyes
Will Say Thanks!

Professional Educators Network of Florida (PEN) knows Educators like you. AMBA knows insurance. Together we can provide you with the dental and vision plans you need to keep your teeth and eyes healthy now and for years to come.

Dental Plans That Fit Your Budget:

  • Keep your dentist or choose an In-Network dentist and save
  • Over 400,000 providers to choose from, whether home or away
  • No waiting period on covered services – get access right away
  • Covers exams, cleanings, fillings, crowns, and more
  • High annual maximum that can increase after one year
Dental Plan Comparison
Essential Coverage
Most Comprehensive
Member +1
Member +Family
$75.00 per year/person
$75.00 per year/person
(waived for Preventative services)

unselect plan

unselect plan

Annual Maximums

In Network
$1,000.00 per year/person
$1,500.00 per year/person
Out of Network
$1,000.00 per year/person
$1,500.00 per year/person


Annual Benefit Threshold
Annual Maximum Benefit
Dental Rewards Carry Over
Year 2 Maximum Benefit
Total Maximum Benefit


M.C.E. $40 (bitewing 4 image)
M.C.E. $73 (panoramic)
Covers 80% (all types)
Routine Cleanings
M.C.E. $60
Covers 100%
Routine Oral Exams
M.C.E. $28
Covers 100%


M.C.E. $77 (simple)
Covers 80% (simple and complex)
M.C.E. $87 (2 surface amalgam)
M.C.E. $116 (2 surface resin)
Covers 80%
M.C.E. $350 (osseous surgery)
Covers 50%
Root Canal
M.C.E. $501 (bicuspid tooth)
Covers 50% (all types)
Denture Repair
Not Covered
Covers 80%
General Anesthesia
Not Covered
Covers 80%
Oral Surgery
Not Covered
Covers 80%
M.C.E. $40 (bitewing 4 image)
M.C.E. $73 (panoramic)
Covers 80% (all types)


M.C.E. $392 (full cast noble metal)
Covers 50% (all types)
Crown Repair
M.C.E. $75
Covers 50%
M.C.E. $483 (maxillary)
Covers 50% (all types)
Onlay (2 surface, metallic)
M.C.E. $388
Not Covered
Root Canal
M.C.E. $501 (bicuspid tooth)
Covers 50% (all types)
M.C.E. $350 (osseous surgery)
Covers 50%

unselect plan

unselect plan

Use your current dentist OR Save 25-50% with a dentist in our network. Find a dentist
(note: Enter zip, select city & state, and Classic PPO network.)

Details may vary based on start date. Please note it may take 10-15 days to process your enrollment. You will receive a ‘welcome to the program’ letter which will include your group number and carrier details. Please consult your policy as the final ultimate source of covered services and program details.
Rates valid from 1 June, 2018 to 31 May, 2026.
    "services": {
        "X-Rays": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $40 (bitewing 4 image)<\/span>M.C.E. $73 (panoramic)<\/span>",
            "Platinum": "Covers 80% (all types)<\/span>"
        "Routine Cleanings": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $60",
            "Platinum": "Covers 100%"
        "Routine Oral Exams": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $28",
            "Platinum": "Covers 100%"
        "Extractions": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $77 (simple)<\/span>",
            "Platinum": "Covers 80% (simple and complex)<\/span>"
        "Fillings": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $87 (2 surface amalgam)<\/span>M.C.E. $116 (2 surface resin)<\/span>",
            "Platinum": "Covers 80%"
        "Periodontics": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $350 (osseous surgery)<\/span>",
            "Platinum": "Covers 50%"
        "Root Canal": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $501 (bicuspid tooth)<\/span>",
            "Platinum": "Covers 50% (all types)<\/span>"
        "Denture Repair": {
            "Platinum": "Covers 80%"
        "General Anesthesia": {
            "Platinum": "Covers 80%"
        "Oral Surgery": {
            "Platinum": "Covers 80%"
        "Crown": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $392 (full cast noble metal)<\/span>",
            "Platinum": "Covers 50% (all types)<\/span>"
        "Crown Repair": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $75",
            "Platinum": "Covers 50%"
        "Dentures": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $483 (maxillary)<\/span>",
            "Platinum": "Covers 50% (all types)<\/span>"
        "Onlay (2 surface, metallic)": {
            "Gold": "M.C.E. $388"
    "plans": {
        "Gold": {
            "inEffect": "2018-06-01T00:00:00",
            "marketingInEffect": "2018-06-01T00:00:00",
            "outOfEffect": "2026-05-31T00:00:00",
            "marketingOutOfEffect": "2026-04-27T00:00:00",
            "policyNumber": "350954",
            "cleaningsPerPeriod": 2,
            "cleaningPeriod": "Benefit Period",
            "orthoEliminationPeriod": 12,
            "examFrequency": 2,
            "examPeriod": "Benefit Period",
            "orthoCoverageDescription": "Dependents Only",
            "orthoLifetimeMax": 1000,
            "orthoCoInsurance": 0.5,
            "annualPlanMax": 1000,
            "outOfNetAnnualPlanMax": 1000,
            "rewardsThreshold": 500,
            "rewardsAnnualRollover": 250,
            "ppobonus": 0,
            "rewardsMaxRollover": 1000,
            "waitingPeriod": null,
            "notes": null,
            "deductible": 75,
            "familyDeductibleMax": 0,
            "dentalRewards": true,
            "planLevel": "Gold",
            "dentalNetworkDescription": "Non-PPO \/ Out-Of-Network Benefits",
            "frequencyType": "Annual",
            "carrier": {
                "fullName": "Ameritas Life Insurance Corp",
                "shortName": "Ameritas",
                "logo": "\/img\/ameritas.png",
                "creativeApproval": "2020-03-11T19:51:51.743",
                "legalName": "Ameritas Life Insurance Corp (Ameritas Life)",
                "website": "https:\/\/\/",
                "phone": "1-877-983-3582",
                "instructions": "Enter zip, select city & state, and Classic PPO network."
            "dentalPlanCoverage": [
                    "rate": 34.92,
                    "coverage": "Member",
                    "areaName": null
                    "rate": 68.8,
                    "coverage": "Member +1",
                    "areaName": null
                    "rate": 108.2,
                    "coverage": "Member +Family",
                    "areaName": null
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            "dentalPlanType": [
                    "dentalType": null,
                    "inNetworkPercent": 0,
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                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 73,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 60,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 28,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "mceamount": 87,
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                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 350,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
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                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
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                            "mceamount": 483,
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                            "mceamount": 388,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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            "inEffectDate": "2018-06-01",
            "inEffectTimestamp": 1527829200,
            "outOfEffectDate": "2026-05-31",
            "outOfEffectTimestamp": 1780203600,
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            "marketingInEffectTimestamp": 1527829200,
            "inEffectDateCalc": "2018-06-01",
            "marketingOutOfEffectDate": "2026-04-27",
            "marketingOutOfEffectTimestamp": 1777266000,
            "startTimestamp": 1727758800,
            "isInEffect": true,
            "marketingIsInEffect": true,
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            "frequencyTextAlt": "per year\/person",
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                    "areaName": null
                    "rate": 68.8,
                    "coverage": "Member +1",
                    "areaName": null
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                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "mceamount": 60,
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                    "dentalType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
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                            "frequency": 0,
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                            "frequencyType": null,
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                    "covers": "Covers 0%"
            "waived": [],
            "waivedLabeled": false
        "Platinum": {
            "inEffect": "2018-06-01T00:00:00",
            "marketingInEffect": "2018-06-01T00:00:00",
            "outOfEffect": "2026-05-31T00:00:00",
            "marketingOutOfEffect": "2026-04-27T00:00:00",
            "policyNumber": "350954",
            "cleaningsPerPeriod": 2,
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            "orthoEliminationPeriod": 12,
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            "examPeriod": "Benefit Period",
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            "orthoCoInsurance": 0.5,
            "annualPlanMax": 1500,
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            "rewardsAnnualRollover": 250,
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            "rewardsMaxRollover": 1000,
            "waitingPeriod": null,
            "notes": null,
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            "familyDeductibleMax": 225,
            "dentalRewards": true,
            "planLevel": "Platinum",
            "dentalNetworkDescription": "Non-PPO \/ Out-Of-Network Benefits",
            "frequencyType": "Annual",
            "carrier": {
                "fullName": "Ameritas Life Insurance Corp",
                "shortName": "Ameritas",
                "logo": "\/img\/ameritas.png",
                "creativeApproval": "2020-03-11T19:51:51.743",
                "legalName": "Ameritas Life Insurance Corp (Ameritas Life)",
                "website": "https:\/\/\/",
                "phone": "1-877-983-3582",
                "instructions": "Enter zip, select city & state, and Classic PPO network."
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                    "coverage": "Member",
                    "areaName": null
                    "rate": 91.32,
                    "coverage": "Member +1",
                    "areaName": null
                    "rate": 153.76,
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                    "areaName": null
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                    "dentalPlanTypeIncentive": [],
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                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": "Plan Period",
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                            "frequency": 2,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": "Plan Period",
                            "name": "Routine Oral Exams"
                    "dentalType": null,
                    "inNetworkPercent": 0.8,
                    "outOfNetworkPercent": 0.8,
                    "deductibleWaived": false,
                    "dentalPlanTypeIncentive": [],
                    "dentalPlanTypeProcedure": [
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
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                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "General Anesthesia"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Oral Surgery"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "X-rays"
                    "dentalType": null,
                    "inNetworkPercent": 0.5,
                    "outOfNetworkPercent": 0.5,
                    "deductibleWaived": false,
                    "dentalPlanTypeIncentive": [],
                    "dentalPlanTypeProcedure": [
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Crown Repair"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Crowns"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Dentures"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Endodontics (root canals)"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Periodontics (gum disease)"
            "inEffectDate": "2018-06-01",
            "inEffectTimestamp": 1527829200,
            "outOfEffectDate": "2026-05-31",
            "outOfEffectTimestamp": 1780203600,
            "marketingInEffectDate": "2018-06-01",
            "marketingInEffectTimestamp": 1527829200,
            "inEffectDateCalc": "2018-06-01",
            "marketingOutOfEffectDate": "2026-04-27",
            "marketingOutOfEffectTimestamp": 1777266000,
            "startTimestamp": 1727758800,
            "isInEffect": true,
            "marketingIsInEffect": true,
            "planLevelText": "Most Comprehensive",
            "frequencyText": "per year & per person",
            "frequencyTextAlt": "per year\/person",
            "planCoverage": [
                    "rate": 46.44,
                    "coverage": "Member",
                    "areaName": null
                    "rate": 91.32,
                    "coverage": "Member +1",
                    "areaName": null
                    "rate": 153.76,
                    "coverage": "Member +Family",
                    "areaName": null
            "planType": "dental",
            "types": [
                    "dentalType": null,
                    "inNetworkPercent": 1,
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                    "deductibleWaived": true,
                    "dentalPlanTypeIncentive": [],
                    "dentalPlanTypeProcedure": [
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                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": "Plan Period",
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                            "frequency": 2,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": "Plan Period",
                            "name": "Routine Oral Exams"
                    "covers": "Covers 100%"
                    "dentalType": null,
                    "inNetworkPercent": 0.8,
                    "outOfNetworkPercent": 0.8,
                    "deductibleWaived": false,
                    "dentalPlanTypeIncentive": [],
                    "dentalPlanTypeProcedure": [
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Denture Repair"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Extractions (simple and complex) "
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Fillings"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "General Anesthesia"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Oral Surgery"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "X-rays"
                    "covers": "Covers 80%"
                    "dentalType": null,
                    "inNetworkPercent": 0.5,
                    "outOfNetworkPercent": 0.5,
                    "deductibleWaived": false,
                    "dentalPlanTypeIncentive": [],
                    "dentalPlanTypeProcedure": [
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Crown Repair"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Crowns"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Dentures"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Endodontics (root canals)"
                            "frequency": 0,
                            "mceamount": 0,
                            "frequencyType": null,
                            "name": "Periodontics (gum disease)"
                    "covers": "Covers 50%"
            "waived": [
            "waivedLabeled": [
    "procedures": {
        "X-Rays": {
            "bitewing 4 image)": 1,
            "panoramic)": 1,
            "all types)": 1
        "Routine Cleanings": {
            "": 1
        "Routine Oral Exams": {
            "": 1
        "Extractions": {
            "simple)": 1,
            "simple and complex)": 1
        "Fillings": {
            "2 surface amalgam)": 1,
            "2 surface resin)": 1,
            "": 1
        "Periodontics": {
            "osseous surgery)": 1,
            "": 1
        "Root Canal": {
            "bicuspid tooth)": 1,
            "all types)": 1
        "Crown": {
            "full cast noble metal)": 1,
            "all types)": 1
        "Crown Repair": {
            "": 1
        "Dentures": {
            "maxillary)": 1,
            "all types)": 1
        "Onlay": {
            "2 surface, metallic)": 1
        "Denture Repair": {
            "": 1
        "General Anesthesia": {
            "": 1
        "Oral Surgery": {
            "": 1
    "coverage": {
        "Member": {
            "Gold": 34.92,
            "Platinum": 46.44
        "Member +Associate": [],
        "Member +Spouse": [],
        "Member +1": {
            "Gold": 68.8,
            "Platinum": 91.32
        "Member +Family": {
            "Gold": 108.2,
            "Platinum": 153.76
        "Member +Children": []
    "annualPlanMax": {
        "Gold": 1000,
        "Platinum": 1500
    "outOfNetAnnualPlanMax": {
        "Gold": 1000,
        "Platinum": 1500
    "rewardsThreshold": {
        "Gold": 500,
        "Platinum": 700
    "rewardsAnnualRollover": {
        "Gold": 250,
        "Platinum": 250
    "rewardsMaxRollover": {
        "Gold": 1000,
        "Platinum": 1000
    "type_1": {
        "inNetworkPercent": {
            "Gold": 0,
            "Platinum": 1
        "outOfNetworkPercent": {
            "Gold": 0,
            "Platinum": 1
        "deductibleWaived": {
            "Gold": false,
            "Platinum": true
        "services": {
            "X-Rays": {
                "Gold": 1
            "Routine Cleanings": {
                "Gold": 1,
                "Platinum": 1
            "Routine Oral Exams": {
                "Gold": 1,
                "Platinum": 1
    "type_2": {
        "inNetworkPercent": {
            "Gold": 0,
            "Platinum": 0.8
        "outOfNetworkPercent": {
            "Gold": 0,
            "Platinum": 0.8
        "deductibleWaived": {
            "Gold": false,
            "Platinum": false
        "services": {
            "Extractions": {
                "Gold": 1,
                "Platinum": 1
            "Fillings": {
                "Gold": 1,
                "Platinum": 1
            "Periodontics": {
                "Gold": 1
            "Root Canal": {
                "Gold": 1
            "Denture Repair": {
                "Platinum": 1
            "General Anesthesia": {
                "Platinum": 1
            "Oral Surgery": {
                "Platinum": 1
            "X-Rays": {
                "Platinum": 1
    "type_3": {
        "inNetworkPercent": {
            "Gold": 0,
            "Platinum": 0.5
        "outOfNetworkPercent": {
            "Gold": 0,
            "Platinum": 0.5
        "deductibleWaived": {
            "Gold": false,
            "Platinum": false
        "services": {
            "Crown": {
                "Gold": 1,
                "Platinum": 1
            "Crown Repair": {
                "Gold": 1,
                "Platinum": 1
            "Dentures": {
                "Gold": 1,
                "Platinum": 1
            "Onlay (2 surface, metallic)": {
                "Gold": 1
            "Root Canal": {
                "Platinum": 1
            "Periodontics": {
                "Platinum": 1

Vision Plans With A Clear Difference:

Get quality coverage on the vision services you need:

  • Thousands of eye doctors nationwide
  • Covers in & out of network
  • Eyeglasses, contact lenses and more

Enroll In A Vision Plan:


Choice Vision Plan:

from $12.72 /month
unselect plan
Member $12.72/month
Member +1 $22.30/month
Member +Family $27.75/month
Exam Copay: $15
Frames Copay: $25
Frames Allowance:
$170 for featured frames
Contacts Allowance: $150

Quality Coverage With Low Copays

  • WellVision Exam every 12 months with $15 copay.
  • Contact Lens Exam every 12 months
  • Glasses with a $25 copay, 20% savings on additional glasses.
  • Lenses every 12 months: 100% coverage on most
  • Frames every 24 months: up to $170, then 20% off
  • Up to 25% savings on anti-reflective & UV coating
    • 100% Coverage On Standard Progressive Lenses
    • 20-25% saving on non-covered lens enhancements such as anti-reflective and UV coating
    • Single Vision, Lined Bifocal, and Lined Trifocal Lenses
  • Find Your Eye Doctor

Use the largest independent doctor network in the country plus retailers you know:

Costco Walmart VisionWorks Eyeonic

  • Exam up to $45
  • Lined Trifocal Lenses up to $65
  • Frame up to $70
  • Progressive Lenses up to $50
  • Single Vision Lenses up to $30
  • Contacts up to $105
  • Lined Bifocal Lenses up to $50
Details may vary based on start date. Upon enrollment you will receive a ‘welcome to the program’ letter then you will receive your full policy documents and ID cards. Please consult your policy as the final ultimate source of covered services and program details.
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AMBA specializes in providing retired educators and other public employees with quality coverage at competitive rates. We partner with more than 70 associations in 35 states and hundreds of thousands of members.